Using Google Analytics

If you have a website you need to be using Google Analytics to measure your traffic….and collect a ton of other great intel! Not using GA is like doing conventional business and marketing without knowing anything about who your customers are, where they come from, what they look at in your store (website) and more. Oh ya….many business are presently in this position. Wow, that is a shame because that’s just bad business practice, it’s wasting money, and it’s missing out on tons of opportunity to increases sales, customer service, and profits.

It’s free to use, only takes a few minutes to sign up for an account, and is easy to implement the code….even for non-techies. Plus, GA integrates with Google AdWords (for those of you doing online PPC advertising) and integrates with other Google tools. WordPress also offers a plugin for their blogs. Within one account you can track a bunch of websites, for you power users with multiple sites.

Once setup you can use the intel you collect to make smart decisions on website development, offline and online marketing and advertising, and many other business needs.

So what’s your excuse for not using Google Analytics? Get on with it! Email me for help.